Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de flatter

to flatteradular

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I flatteryo adulo
you flattertú adulas
he flattersél adula
she flattersella adula
we flatternosotros adulamos
you flattervosotros aduláis
they flatterellos adulan
they flatterellas adulan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I flatteredyo adulé
you flatteredtú adulaste
he flatteredél aduló
she flatteredella aduló
we flatterednosotros adulamos
you flatteredvosotros adulasteis
they flatteredellos adularon
they flatteredellas adularon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have flatteredyo he adulado
you have flatteredtú has adulado
he has flatteredél ha adulado
she has flatteredella ha adulado
we have flatterednosotros hemos adulado
you have flatteredvosotros habéis adulado
they have flatteredellos han adulado
they have flatteredellas han adulado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had flatteredyo había adulado
you had flatteredtú habías adulado
he had flatteredél había adulado
she had flatteredella había adulado
we had flatterednosotros habíamos adulado
you had flatteredvosotros habíais adulado
they had flatteredellos habían adulado
they had flatteredellas habían adulado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will flatteryo adularé
you will flattertú adularás
he will flatterél adulará
she will flatterella adulará
we will flatternosotros adularemos
you will flattervosotros adularéis
they will flatterellos adularán
they will flatterellas adularán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have flatteredyo habré adulado
you will have flatteredtú habrás adulado
he will have flatteredél habrá adulado
she will have flatteredella habrá adulado
we will have flatterednosotros habremos adulado
you will have flatteredvosotros habréis adulado
they will have flatteredellos habrán adulado
they will have flatteredellas habrán adulado

I would flatteryo adularía
you would flattertú adularías
he would flatterél adularía
she would flatterella adularía
we would flatternosotros adularíamos
you would flattervosotros adularíais
they would flatterellos adularían
they would flatterellas adularían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have flatteredyo habría adulado
you would have flatteredtú habrías adulado
he would have flatteredél habría adulado
she would have flatteredella habría adulado
we would have flatterednosotros habríamos adulado
you would have flatteredvosotros habríais adulado
they would have flatteredellos habrían adulado
they would have flatteredellas habrían adulado

Participio presenteAnotado
flattering adulando

Participio pasadoAnotado
flattered adulado

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